Monday, January 26, 2015

Rexy, you were in and out of my life like a flash

After school one day a darling, affectionate gray cat appeared at our house, apparently lost or abandoned.

Nov 30 I posted this on FB:

He's great with kids! Please...someone must have room in their home for this sweet kitty! It's getting colder, he needs warm shelter. For now he's sleeping in my fleece vest, but without a source of heat. I'm sure he's used to being indoors...he won't last long outside. I already have 3 cats!!

Here is video of Rexy at his finest, most earnest self:

Dec 3:

Update on Rexy: after having potential interest from 2 people who would give Rexy a wonderful life, he has become quite ill.

He has been inside with us since yesterday after school, vomiting repeatedly, not eating or drinking, at least not while I was looking. He has used the litter box.

From the chatty, rushing little cat to a lethargic barely audible one in about 24 hours, make me wonder if he ate something he should not have. Until he either gets better or succumbs, he's staying with us unless there is some wealthy angel that wishes to pay for veterinary care.

Dec 4:
I am at a loss for words. I have phrased and rephrased what I want to say, but now I am at a loss. 

I came home to a much worse kitty. Thanks to my mom for good, insistent advice in a time of confusion, and her generous offer to pay, I took Rexy to the vet.

Remember, this is not my cat. He's been a guest here for just a few days, unasked for by us; not my responsibility. However, his vivacious catonality really got to me.

The prognosis was not good, possible poisoning or a foreign object in the abdomen. The estimate for the vet in the hundreds for tests over a couple of days and up to 4 digits with prolonged hospitalization, without guarantees. With encouragement from Mom, and knowing he was suffering, I knew the right thing to do. Rexy was put down around 3:00 today.

To err on the side of caution, the vet recommended that I clean anywhere the cat was with bleach and check Tigger and Eric's vaccination records. I have a grieving child, a house that smells like a hospital, an up-coming bill at the vet for vaccines and a broken heart.

All because of some asshole (I am really holding back here) who A) abandoned their cat and/or B) poisoned a pet!!!! Believe me if I ever find out who it was or see someone mistreating an animal they are going to wish they were treated as well as that animal!!!

Thanks to Uncle Brent Rexy was given a proper burial in the family's pet cemetery. I could not give him the forever home he should have had, but we gave him love and affection and the most humane "home" we could. RIP Rexy

After much thought about the dear little guy, I suspect he drank anti-freeze or something similar that would leak out of a car, as there is a huge, busy parking lot just the other side of the fence in our back yard. Since there is an alley nearby with many strays I initially suspected someone was trying to poison the strays, but I have seen the same familiar cats all fall, so I have ruled that out. 

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