Thursday, June 4, 2020

Pre-K Feb-June 2019

I got my very own class - my first class - in February.
Cameron, Darcy and I had a ped day on a Monday. I was making crepes when the phone rang. It was the principal of a small local school. Her pre-k teacher was going on preventative leave at the end of the day, for the rest of the school year and the class was mine if I wanted it. 


But, wait, I already have a job! I was working part-time as secretary at an adult ed center in the same school board. Not to worry - the principal had already contacted my director and my immediate supervisor and I had their blessing to take the class. Whoa, wait - what?  

We ate our crepes, the kids went next door and I went in to meet with the teacher. I started the next day - wow.  How things change in a few minutes, eh!?!

The class' fairy tale crafts
Top left: Little Red Riding Hood
Bottom left: Three Little Pigs
Jack and the Beanstalk
The Ugly Duckling
The Three Bears

April Showers bring May flowers.

We did a "walking water" experiment. Strips of paper towel are placed with one end in a jar of colored water and the other end in an empty jar. The water "walks" along the paper towel to the empty jar. We dried the paper towels and used them to make these spring flowers.

Lady bug sun catchers

100 days of school!

What a dream! I loved my class, my school, my job.

May 20, 2019 - fallen maple tree

Victoria Day, 2019

We came home from the lake, Kevin and Brian went out. I was putting things away, Cam was doing some homework, and Darcy was helping me.  Suddenly a wind come up from the back yard, blew the patio table and chairs over and then there was a very loud noise and the power went out. I thought it was lightning at first, but there was no storm. 

"Is everyone ok????" 

"Yes"   "Yes"  came the answers - phew!

Cam was closest to the front of the house and I called out to him, "Cam, was that our maple tree?"

He got up and looked out the window. "Yeah"

No phone, no internet/wifi, half of one of my huge maples was blocking 3 lanes of traffic. I didn't know what to do.

View from the front door.

close up of the tree to the left. Part of the fallen tree is wedged in there. 

View from the sidewalk

View from a car going by. You can barely see the first floor!

View from across the street.

View from sidewalk, other side. Minister of Transport has arrived and is cleaning up. The piece (as big as a tree itself) broke off from the middle tree. You can see the fresh wood where it broke. 

I am standing at the base of the fallen piece. It broke off the tree behind me, just above my head (cut off the pic). 

View from the house, MTQ cleaning up. 

Bell arrived (even though I don't have Bell) to make sure wires were safely out of the way.


MTQ told they were taking a break for supper and we could keep whatever wood we wanted. Between us and the neighbor we took it all away for fires, crafts, and the garden.

My squirrel family was evicted. 


This baby squirrel came right up to me. SO SWEET!

January 2019 - Kevin in Aupaluk

Kevin went up north to work.

He ended up having to ride in the back of an open pick up from the airport to the job. 

Everything fixed in one day. Settled in for the night and then home the next day.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Clover the Catastrophe on Canada Day Weekend

June 29, 2019

Worst Canada Day weekend EVER!

Dropped off Darcy at Girl Guide camp last night and so began Date Weekend with Kevin. Our first romantic stop was the emergency room as Clover kindly removed a good chunk of my thumbnail and scratched me pretty badly on the other arm and hand. 
She got out and wasn’t too happy to be captured! 

Darcy and I were ready to leave to bring her to camp when the cat got out. Kevin and I had a weekend at the lake planned...alone. I did not want to leave the cat out, as I wouldn't be back for 2-3 days. I finally caught her half way up a tree.  I got her by the scruff and the back legs and pulled her off the tree. I can totally understand her being mad and afraid. 

The way I was holding her, unfortunately, my thumb was in strike range and she bit it. The best I can tell her top tooth/teeth went through my nail about 3/4 of the way down, her bottom teeth kind of went through on the side, resulting in her pulling a good section of the bottom of my nail partially out of the nail bed, including most of the part of the nail that is normally not seen, under the skin (the "root"). I'll spare you the picture.

 I got her safely inside and calmly asked Darcy to get her first aid kit (thank you Guides!). Keep in mind we need to leave for camp. Darcy didn't have the right stuff to wrap it and stop the bleeding, but she was kind and tried hard. I went to the neighbor's knowing one of them was a firefighter and that they have 5 kids - they will know what to do! She helped me and got it wrapped up, so I was comfortable. I was very happy with that and prepared to drive Darcy to camp and go HAVE MY DATE WEEKEND. She told me that I really should get antibiotics since it's a cat bite. I knew she was right.

This is a recent pic (2020) where she is yawning - but those teeth!

I drove Darcy to camp, met Kevin at home and went to ER. We waited until 1 am and I gave up. I think I might still be sitting there had I waited. I did at least get a tetanus shot at triage and was told getting antibiotics was a must.

We had an actual date for drinks at the Laurentian before heading home to sleep. 

In the morning we visited Grandmaman and then went to a different ER, hoping for faster service. Being a long weekend, the ER was much busier than usual. I was again told I needed antibitoics, so at least I knew the long wait wasn't for nothing. We had supper together, sort of. Kevin got us some A & W and we ate sitting in chairs across from each other in the waiting room. 

As we waited things got worse and I knew I was in the right place. It wasn't the bite, it was one of the scratches. Kevin had gone to sleep a bit in the car. I had a tank top on, so you could plainly see the red line creeping up my arm. I was very much aware of what it probably was, but trying to ignore it as I knew I would see a doctor soon. The man next to me looked at my arm at one point, and said "oh that's dangerous! If it goes much farther it could go into your heart!" Just what I needed to hear.  

I went to see the nurse. She put a note in my file and she put a cold cloth on my hand. The weight of the cloth was too painful. I have a fairly high pain tolerance and I was crying it hurt so much. As long as I had kind of ignored it, it was finem, but as soon as the flood gates opened...  I remember describing it to Kevin and Mom (by text) like a thousand wasps stinging my hand all over it, all the time. I was like that for about 2 hours, then I fell asleep for a little bit until I was sent to a different waiting room. I saw the doctor not long after. 

I was seen around 12:30 am, Sunday, so between the 2nd and 3rd pic. 

At the time I saw the doctor, there was redness going up my arm all the way to my shoulder. The doctor was concerned about sepsis. (Exactly what I was worried about.) He gave me antibiotics on the spot and sent me home with a prescription. He asked me to come back the next day so he could check on it.

I got my pills in the morning and took them as prescribed. I went for my appointment that afternoon. I was very glad to have that appointment as the pills weren't working.

My appointment was at 3:00 pm.

On the way to the hospital for appointment. You can see shape of my hand.

I was finally seen at about 5:00 pm. Doctor said he was treating me for the most common bacteria found the mouth of a cat, but clearly it wasn't working. If only he could give me penicillin, but I am allergic. He said he would change tactics and give me 2 antibiotics, in big doses, that would treat the most common bacteria found in a cat scratch (i.e. fecal matter!)...I had "cat scratch fever."

Doc got me started with some IV antibiotics to jump start the treatment.

A bunch of antibiotics, also meant a slew of side effects. Stomach ache, diarhea, sensitivity to sun, nausea, crankiness! I took probiotics to help, stayed out of the sun (boring!) and felt really sick for 2 weeks, but the swelling and infection went away!

More swelling the next day.

Still swollen, the heat wasn't helping.

Day 5, major improvement today. I am regaining use of my left hand and swelling is localized to my hand now. Phew!!!

3 days after 2nd visit to the doctor, swelling gone.

Meanwhile my bitten thumb healed quite well!

It took about a month from the incident to stop feeling the side effects of the pills. The whole month of July was affected by Clover's injury to me. 

I still love her, though.

Epilogue: June 2, 2020
I write the blog posts after the fact, so I rely on the photos, my facebook posts and in the summer months, my cottage log book to help me remember the details. This experience with the cat/injury/infection was just too much for me to write down last summer. I flipped to that date in my journal and found this:

blank pages. 

Monday, June 1, 2020

New garden client (June 2019)

Made a new garden for a new client this afternoon. View from the left.

Made a new garden for a new client this afternoon. View from the right.

Was trimming a shrub and found a bird’s nest.

Geese and goslings, Lake Echo.

Toad garden helper, Lake Echo.

last weekend:

Garden from last week has some new gardeners!

June 6 2019 - Dad's birthday

In parts of the world war was being waged on this day 75 years ago, but for one family it was the day they welcomed their son, my dad, to the world. Today is known as D-Day to most people, but to me today it is Dad’s Birthday.

20 years now, Dad, that I have celebrated your birthday for you. It is better now, but I still miss you. Keep watching over me and my family, as I know you do. You’ll never be forgotten. ♥️♥️♥️

Mother's Day 2019

May 12, 2019

I got to sleep in a little then stepped in cat ๐Ÿ’ฉ on the way to the bathroom. Yuck! 
But then Darcy gave me a beautiful gift and made me breakfast.๐Ÿ’—๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿ’›๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ’š๐Ÿ’™ 
Happy Mother’s Day to all my mommy friends.

Kevin, Angie and Darcy to the cottage. It was cool and sunny. Colby, Amelia, and Charla came to visit. Everything looks OK, but there was some shifting over the winter. The front lawn is soggy; water accumulation.

Mom's wharf got pushed around in the ice. One post loose and lifted 2 planks.